Mae Nak Reborn [A]

Mae Nak Reborn

Genre : Horror

Language : Thai

Year : 2022

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Tina adores the story of the ghost Mae Nak, who died in childbirth but came back to life to be by her veteran husband`s side. She feels a similar undying love for her husband Mark, who works in the movie industry. One of his projects requires extra funding, and a friend chips in as he knows the family will have another mouth to feed soon – Tina is already pregnant. One day, in an unfortunate incident, Tina is brutalised and her baby miscarried. No one in her town can identify her attacker, but Mae Nak witnessed everything, and she wants to help Tina get revenge.


AvailabilityNow - 14th April 2023
SubtitleEnglish, Malay, Chinese
DirectorAdirek Phothong
Main CastOlaf Smith, Mai Prangned, Ploy Janthakan